ERAS Application Guide
ERAS Application - A Brief Guide by Junaid KaliaDescription Box Position Description BoxReason for leavingTips on writing ERAS ApplicationERAS Supplemental Application GuideHow to Add Neurology Pocketbook Experience to your CV?Research ExperienceVolunteer ExperienceCiting Citation to ERAS ApplicationCitation for CV, Resume & Other

ERAS Application - A Brief Guide by Junaid Kalia
There is clear variability in the type of work you did even if there is a title attached. The word "Experience" is key. In medicine we respect experience a lot for good reason. So here describe your experience.
✺ Differentiate between CV, Resume and Application
✺ Application is standardized to have similar output
✺ Print and review on Paper as most program directors review on paper
Description Box
Volunteer experience
Research experience
Work experience
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Make sure you fill the position title even if you were not officially awarded. Go back to your supervisor and notify them that you are adding it on your ERAS application and using this title.
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It is generally recommended that you included activities that you participated actively and consistently. So try to include activities that you have contributed atleast 8-10 hrs per week
Description Box
Description box is the key:

Reason for leaving
Completion of Project, Voluntarily at the end of allocated time
Tips on writing ERAS Application
Tips on writing ERAS ApplicationTips on writing ERAS App
ERAS Supplemental Application Guide
Do not miss the ERAS Supplemental Application GuideERAS Supplemental Application Guide
How to Add Neurology Pocketbook Experience to your CV?
Research Experience
Research Experience
Research Experience
Experience: Research Experience
Organization: AINeuroCare
Position: Research Associate
Supervisor: Junaid Kalia MD, BCMAS
Country: USA
State: Texas
Average Hrs/week: 10 hr/week
Description (Example DONOT Copy]
I wanted to improve my research skills. I was fortunate enough to find a Mentor Junaid Kalia MD. He founded an AINeuroCare platform to bring evidence based clinically relieved education in the field of Digital Health, AI in Healthcare & Value based care. I assisted Dr. Kalia in literature search, reviewing literature, creating summaries & designing lessons. This significantly improved my ability in terms of research finding and evaluating relevant clinical studies that has impact on patient lives.
I wrote two chapters in an online pocket book titled “”. I assimilated, distilled latest clinical evidence and wrote the book chapter titled “XXX”. Under mentorship of Dr. Kalia, I was able to significantly improve my research skills including but not limited to advanced literature search, systematically reviewing literature. Ability to digest and create clinically relevant and applicable content.
Volunteer Experience
Volunteer Experience
Volunteer Experience
Experience: Volunteer Experience
Organization: AINeuroCare
Position: Project Manager
Supervisor: Junaid Kalia MD, BCMAS
Country: USA
State: Texas
Average Hrs/week: 5-10 hr/week
Description (Example DONOT Copy]
I help Dr. Kalia with managing the website. This helped me essential digital skills in project management, remote work, collaboration. This helped me learn multiple software products that improved my personal productivity. I learned multiple essential life skils including ability to publish online.
Adding Citation to ERAS Application

Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Book Chapter
Chapter Title: [Add here]
Name of Book: Neurology Pocketbook
Authors: [Add here]
Editor: Junaid Kalia MD
Pages: NA
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Year: Add year of publication
URL: Go to website open your chapter and copy the URL from the address bar (if needed)
Citation for CV, Resume & Other
Mahboob, A., Kumar, H., & Kalia, J.S.. (2021). Determining Brain Death. In Kalia J.S. (Ed.), (pp. NA). Dallas, TX: