Neurology Lab Panels
Fatigue PanelNeuropathy PanelMyopathy PanelAltered Mental StatusCerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) StudiesUncommon Causes of StrokeHyper-Coaguable PanelOtherConsider addingVasculitis PanelAutoimmune PanelParaneoplastic PanelMayo Clinic Panels
Fatigue Panel
CBC, CMP, TSH, T3, T4, Cortisol, Folate, Vitamins Bl, B2, B6, B12, MMA, Homocysteine, Vitamin D, Serum ferritin, CK, aldolase, Lactate, pyruvate, Carnitine and acyl-carnitine levels, Long-chain fatty acids, Very Long-chain fatty acids, Medium chain fatty acids, short chain fatty acids, urine organic acids, Serum amino acids, CoQl0 level, AChR abs, MuSK abs, VGKC, Striational abs, Skin Biopsy, EMG/NCS with repetitive nerve stimulation, ABG, Carbon monoxide level, EKG, Cardiac Echo
Other studies: Muscle Biopsy, Muscle mitochondrial enzyme analysis (Pestronk), Muscle Glycogen pathway analysis (Pestronk)
Neuropathy Panel
CBC, CMP, TSH, T3, T4, Folate, HgbAlc, Vitamins Bl, B2, B6, B12, MMA, Homocysteine, Vitamin D, Serum ferritin, Lactate, pyruvate, Carnitine and acyl-carnitine levels, CoQlO level, ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, Serum ACE level, Serum copper, serum or whole blood zinc, ANCA, LFT, HIV, Hepatitis panel, RPR, UPEP, SPEP, IFE, Quantitative Immunoglobulins, C04/C08 counts. SS-A and SS-B Antibodies, Cryoglobulins, Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) Antibody, Ganglioside (GM1, GD1b, and GQ1b) Antibodies.
EMG/NCS, muscle/nerve biopsy
Skin Biopsy
Motor-sensory neuropathy panel
Muscle mitochondrial enzyme analysis
Muscle Glycogen pathway analysis
Myopathy Panel
CBC, CMP, TSH, T3, T4, Vitamins Bl, B2, B6, B12, MMA, Homocysteine, Vitamin D, Lactate, pyruvate, Long-chain fatty acids, Very Long-chain fatty acids, Medium chain fatty acids, short chain fatty acids, Urine organic acids, serum amino acids, CK, aldolase, Carnitine and acyl-carnitine levels, CoQlO level, Serum ACE level, ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, ANCA, LFT, HIV, Hepatitis panel, RPR, UPEP, SPEP, IFE, Quantitative Immunoglobulins, C04/C08 counts, EKG, Cardiac Echo, EMG/NCS with repetitive nerve stimulation, muscle biopsy.
Muscle mitochondrial enzyme analysis (Pestronk)
Muscle Glycogen pathway analysis (Pestronk)
Myositis panel (Oklahoma)
Altered Mental Status
CBC, CMP, Urine Drug screen, Blood alcohol level, Serum drug screen, Ammonia, TSH, T3, T4, Vitamins Bl, B2, B6, B12, MMA, Homocysteine, Vitamin D, Lactate, pyruvate, Long-chain fatty acids, Very Long-chain fatty acids, Medium chain fatty acids, short chain fatty acids, urine organic acids, serum amino acids, CK, aldolase, Carnitine and acyl-carnitine levels, CoQ10 level, serum ACE level, ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, ANCA, LFT, HIV, Hepatitis panel, HSV PCR, RPR, UPEP, SPEP, IFE, Quantitative Immunoglobulins, CD4/CD8 counts, EKG, Cardiac Echo, CSF evaluation. Mycoplasma
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Studies
*** Urgent/NonUrgent Lumbar Punture
Cell Count, Protein, Glucose Tube #1 and #4
Bacterial and Fungal Gram Stain and Culture, AFB Smear
Other: ACE, VDRL
Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel
Encephalopathy, Autoimmune Evaluation, Spinal Fluid
MS Panel: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Profile, Serum and Spinal Fluid
Document Opening and Closing Pressure
Document total CSF Fluid Drained
Documented Color of CSF drainage and color change if present
Save CSF for future analysis for 30 Days
Uncommon Causes of Stroke
Given the patients age is less than 55 with absence of typical risk factors, Patient is eligible for stoke in young workup to look for uncommon causes of stroke.
Hypercoagulable Panel: Cardiolipin Antibody Panel, Lupus Anticoagulant, Protein S Activity, Protein C Activity, Antithrombin Ill Activity, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), DNA, Activated Protein C Resistance, with Reflex, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis, Sickling Screen w/o Reflex (if indicated), Prothrombin Genotype, Beta 2 Glycoprotein Panel, Factor VIII Assay, Cryoglobulin Qual, Cryofibrinogen
Autoimmune Panel: ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, ANCA, c-ANCA, p-ANCA, UPEP, SPEP, IFE
Vasculitis Panel: RPR, ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, Serum ACE level, ANCA, HIV, Hepatitis panel, Myeloperoxidase and Protease 3 AB , Complement Levels (C3 & C4), Lyme Disease by PCR, IFE Serum w/IgG,A,M & Kappa/Lambda Free Light Chain
Paraneoplastic Panel Serum
Hyper-Coaguable Panel
Cardiolipin AB Panel, Lupus Anticoagulant, Protein S, Protein C Activity, Activated Protein C Resistance Screen Only W/Reflex, Antithrombin III Activity, Homocysteine Total, Fibrinogen Activity, ANA Screen with Reflex IFA, Lipoprotein A, Protein Electrophoresis Serum, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis , Sickling Screen w/o Reflex, Prothrombin Genotype, Sedimentation Rate Westergren, C Reactive Protein, RPR , Complement Levels (C3 & C4), D Dimer Quantitative , Beta-2 Glycoprotein Panel, CRP (C Reactive Protein) High Sensitivity, Factor 8 Assay, Cryoglobulin Qual, Cryofibrinogen
Blood Cultures x 2 (3 days)
Peripheral Smear (Sickle)
Transesophageal Echo
Bil Lower Ext Dopplers
Pelvic MRA (pelvic vein thrombosis)
Digital subtraction Angiogram
CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis w/wo Contrast (Malignancy Protocol)
Consider adding
Autoimmune Panel
Vasculitis Panel
Paraneoplastic Panel
CSF Panel
Encephalopathy (Serum+/- CSF) Panel
Vasculitis Panel
RPR, ANA, RF, ENA, ESR, CRP, Serum ACE level, ANCA, HIV, Hepatitis panel, Myeloperoxidase and Protease 3 AB , Complement Levels (C3 & C4), Lyme Disease by PCR, IFE Serum w/IgG,A,M & Kappa/Lambda Free Light Chain
Autoimmune Panel
Paraneoplastic Panel
CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis w/wo Contrast (Malignancy Protocol)
Neuroaxis imaging w/wo Contrast
: Paraneoplastic Evaluation AlgorithmCSF
: Paraneoplastic Autoantibody CSF