Filzah Faheem MD
Aspiring Neurologist. Research Fellow at AINeuroCare Academy. Epilepsy Sub-section Coordinator.
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Digital Biomarkers in Neurology
Digital biomarkers are a set of characteristics and properties collected from digital health technology, which is measured as an indicator of the biological, pathological process and the response to any exposure or intervention which can be therapeutic
Digital Education in Neurology
As digital transformation of healthcare is proceeding we need to enhance our medical education especially in Neurology Digtially!
mHealth in Neurology - An Introduction
mHealth also known as the Internet of Things has advanced over the years. Policy for Device Software Functions and Mobile Medical Applications was first issued by FDA in 2013, later on, mHealth Task Force and HIPAA set goals in order to provide care using wireless technology. Many applications approved by FDA and Epilepsy foundation have been introduced to monitor patient symptom diaries and aid clinical trials. Effective delivery of mHealth (telehealth) services will decrease accident & emergency admissions by 15%.
Digital Health - An Introduction
Digital health is an intersection between technology and healthcare that uses computing platforms, connectivity, software, and sensors. With the increased amount of data being produced Artificial Intelligence as a Service and Ecosystem as a service for cAI open doors for the global coalition of AI clinicians, individual hospitals, networking, and training opportunities. WHO, FDA, and NHS have been continuously releasing guidelines to cope with digital health transformation.
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
Sudden, unexpected, non-traumatic, non-drowning, witnessed or unwitnessed death, in any individual who has history of epilepsy, excludes documented status epilepticus and post-mortem examination does not reveal any cause (anatomical or toxicological) of death.
Essential Digital Tools for Neurologists
Here we review popular digital tools for Neurologists: Digital Resources, Browser extensions and mobile apps.