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Acute Abortive Migraine Therapy

Abortive migraine therapy should be used as soon as possible after symptom development for maximum benefit; if abortive therapy is unsuccessful or used more than twice weekly, consider adding prophylactic therapy. Patients with nausea and vomiting may require nonoral medication. For all medications, consider patient comorbidities and contraindications.

Acute Myelopathy

Pathology of the spine and meninges covering the spinal cord is termed myelopathy being classified as compressive and non-compressive myelopathy. Workup for acute myelopathy involves a stepwise approach from history taking to the investigations.

Spinal Cord Injury

The traumatic spinal cord injury often results from a gunshot wound (10.4%), accidental trauma to the head, neck, and back region (31.5%), falling (25.3%), and spinal sports injuries (4.3%) while non-traumatic spinal cord injuries can vary. The main purpose of this chapter is to help you understand the difference between complete and incomplete cord transection and different types of spinal injuries.

Spinal Cord Anatomy

Spinal cord originates from brainstem, pass through foramen magnum and continues distally through cervical and thoracic regions of the spinal column before terminating as a tapering structure known as the conus medullaris. Spinal cord ends at the level of L1 or L2 in adults and L3 in children

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